“Well it’s not overkill to say: I would not be where I am today without you. You encouraged me to not settle for a job that I didn’t really want, and instead just do what i love! Freeing myself to just be an activist and trust in the universe was all your influence, and I’m deeply grateful.”
“I just wanted to share with you that today is my one year of sobriety. I could not have done this without your help, support and teaching. Thank you for believing in me, and teaching me to believe in myself.”
“People expect women to say yes even when we want to say no, if it’s for the “greater good,” I think because we always have! Not on patti’s watch ;)”
“I am thankful I was able to attend this weekend. I was able to reframe my beliefs and concepts as well as come to a deeper understanding. Saturday was energizing and enlightening.”
“Wonderful! I would have liked it to be longer.”
“I was a bit overwhelmed when I came in. A lot of fresh issues and the atmosphere was different for me. But the seminar was Incredible. Thank you SO MUCH!”
“I am so glad I came to this seminar. It was a very affirming experience. The activities were fun and interesting. I would (and will) recommend it to other women. Thank you so much!”
“I almost didn’t come today because last night was (I thought) a bit ‘out there’ for me. BUT…I thought I’d come and ‘maybe find something to get out of it….’ AND….I got more than I ever knew I needed. I can always and only say thank you to you.”
“Dear Patti: thank you! You hit upon something so big here, and I believe it is very, very important work for all mothers! Personally, it brought up a lot of deep emotions for me that I’m ready to explore more fully within myself. I love the five-theme idea and only wish for more efficiently so that we could have moved gracefully through all of them”
“ I felt nurtured, understood and enjoyed my time with the other moms.”
“I am at ease with myself and comfortable at my life’s journey point and this workshop made me remember and realize this. I enjoyed the range of life phases–widening perspective. I learned and learned about myself and that was my intention. I like the room. It was a good fit for that size group and for possibly six more women. I am joyed the bags, bowls, shopping opportunities and massage. Thank you for a great day and experience.”
“I enjoyed the workshop and learned a lot. It was interesting to hear about the variety of experiences from all the mothers, and I enjoyed the presentation and the topics covered! I really enjoyed all the various resources-the YouTube’s, the music, etc. One of the greatest “AHA” moments where is that of mother nature– the positive and the negative.”
“I never knew about shadow and light. It was most valuable. Thank you. Thank you!”
“I so appreciated how your caring for mothers of all ages comes through… The great gift bags… and…the casual, encouraging atmosphere. “
“Knowledgeable instructor. Non-judgmental. Good environment to learn and share. Loved the movement and all the crafts too.”
“Thank you for helping me open my mind and really take away some useful tools.”
“The presenter was extremely knowledgable, highly engaging and very thorough.”
“One of the best PESI seminars I have ever attended. Lots of excellent background information. Then great exercises to help cement what was learned.”