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    Parent Coaching

    Parent Coaching

    Parenting is an art that is mostly learned on the job! I can provide parent coaching to you and your family as often as you need it~from pre-pregnancy through the empty nest~. Schedule a session in my office, in your home, on-line or over the phone or Skype.

    Parent Coaching can help you handle the challenges in today’s rapidly changing world by providing support, resources and tools for raising children in a new parenting paradigm. The results of parent coaching will help you to:

    • Feel better about yourself as a parent
    • Discover age appropriate expectations
    • Better understand child development
    • Gain a deeper awareness of the emotions that come up as a parent
    • Learn that discipline is not a dirty word, and that there are methods to do it right
    • Find ways to nurture yourself
    • Develop many, many other tricks of the trade

    “Children come into the world like a packet of seeds with no cover on the front.  Our job is very much like that of a gardener’s to provide the adequate light, soil, water and nutrients for the flower to grow to it’s full potential. It is not our job to raise a carnation into a rose or a rose into a carnation.”  Dr. Katharine Kersey, author of The Art of Sensitive Parenting,  my parent mentor, graduate school professor, and kindred friend. 

    For 101 of Dr. Kersey’s great parenting tips go to www.odu.edu/~kkersey/101s/101principles.shtml 

    My daughter, Elizabeth Ashley Herman also provides coaching, and teams up with me for our Moms in Real Life events. Picture